Monday, April 16, 2012

The love of a llama.

For years and years 
has the heart blossom 
into the mountainous back
of a camel. 

Camel fell in pit of 
darkness for the love of a 

Romeo and Juliet
two enemies clashes species
so different yet so alike
both have fur and teeth
of iron.

love so beautiful

I've been an internet lurking basically all my life. I like to look at other peoples styles and stories and random things. That's just what I do. But when Metallic Paws had this cute giveaway with this adorable bag, I just HAD to. As in I MUST! ;D She is giving about this great light pink and white bag filled with makeup and lotions and all the necessities of a girlie. It's so cute that I'm suggesting you guys also enter! And when I say suggest I mean DEMAND! (:

May the odds be ever in YOUR favor. <3